Algebra 2 students were working the whiteboards in class. Look at the problem solving!
Congratulations to our Jr/Sr High Students and Staff of the Month! These individuals were recognized for their diligence in and out of the classroom.
7th Grade: Levi Drumm, Micah Hayes
8th Grade : Divad Clarke, Kara Burlingame
9th Grade: Abby Youngs, Aurorah Becker
10th Grade: Olyve Gaylor-Learn and Sarah McKenna
11th Grade: Daven Blodgett, Lily Mortensen
12th Grade: Jalynn Machuga, Jenna Machuga
Staff: Mrs. Alvarez and Miss Daningburg
Mark your calendars for our Jr/Sr High School Financial Aid Nights! Click on the link for important details and additional information about the new FAFSA.
Students would you like a chance at a new TV? Please see the details in the flyer attached for more information.