The CS fitness center is closed today, Tuesday, March 11th and will also be closed this Saturday, March 15th. Sorry for any inconvenience.
about 18 hours ago, CSCS Panthers
fitness center closed
A celebration of spelling! We had a wonderful Spelling "Bee" this weekend! We love that our upperclassman dressed up as Bee's to support and encourage the contestants! #GOPANTHERS!
about 13 hours ago, CSCS Panthers
Picture of the principal and two students dressed as Bees for the spelling bee
Group phot of the spellng bee on the stage
The love of reading continues with our CS Panther book Vending Machine! Keep working hard and showing ROARS! #GOPANTHERS!
1 day ago, CSCS Panthers
Students posing with a book in front of the book vending machine
A last celebration of our amazing All-County musicians! Check out our elementary crew as they perform this weekend in Arkport! A strong foundation in music education leads to higher success in academics, career, and college readiness! Our CS music department is amazing! #GOPANTHERS! #musicinourschools
1 day ago, CSCS Panthers
All county students posing for picture wearing black.
Whole group chorus performing wearing black at all counties
Funny all county pose with students wearing black
Large group chorus performing at all counties
Another huge celebration for Music In Our School's month! Check out the large group of CS singers that performed at All-Counties in Arkport this weekend! #GOPANTHERS #musicinourschools
1 day ago, CSCS Panthers
All county chorus students posing wearing black
A special thank you to our amazing PTO that sponsored an elementary parent/student dance! What a great way to celebrate a night with your child! #GOPANTHERS!
1 day ago, CSCS Panthers
Students posing in front of winter banner
Picture of the gymnasium with students and adults dancing
Picture of two students posing in dresses for the camera on in black one in red
What an amazing weekend for music! Congratulations to our junior high school band students that performed at All-County in Arkpot this weekend! #GOPANTHERS! #musicinourschools
1 day ago, CSCS Panthers
Students posing for picture dressed in black for all county
Check out our most recent episode of the Panther's Den Athletic Podcast! In this episode AD Loveless has a fun and meaningful conversation with Coach LaBarr and star basketball player Chance! Click here: #GOPANTHERS!
4 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Panthers Den podcast logo
Three people sitting at table with microphones recording podcast
How do you make sure you get lunch when you are a hard-working Principal and Assistant Principal? You grab a class and eat lunch together! Check out Mrs. DuVall's class having an awesome lunch with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Spaulding! #GOPANTHERS!
4 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Students eating lunch at large table with principals
Students eating lunch at large table with principals
Students eating lunch at large table with principals
Students eating lunch at large table with principals
What a great 5-12th grade band concert this Tuesday! Did you miss it? Want to see it again? It's on Panther TV! Click this link and it will take you right to it! We love Music in our School's Month! #GOPANTHERS!
5 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Entire HS band standing up taking a bow in red shirts
Three students introducing song in front of music stand and microphone wearing red CS shirts and pink cowdboy hats
Elementary Band playing with conductor up front
Students in red panther shirts sitting getting ready for concert
Students on stage in red shirts preparing to perform
Three students introducing song in front of music stand and microphone wearing red CS shirts
We want to take a moment to celebrate our elementary swim program! All our students in grades 2-6 get a full unit in the pool that includes swimming, water safety, and fun! In addition, we have days that PreK-1st grade come over and receive water safety and fun in the water! #GOPANTHERS!
5 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Students standing around the pool while the teacher teaches them from being in the pool
Students in pool swimming with floaties
Students in pool swimming with floaties
Students in pool swimming with floaties
A huge Panther Roar to our two CS Top of the Trades students this month! Colin Button rocking it in Precision Machining and Liliana French being awesome in the Nurse Assistant program! We are all very proud of you! #GOPANTHERS!
5 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Top of the trades student in front of banner
Top of the trades student in front of banner
Is your son in grades 3-6 interested in joining our running club? Unfortunately, Boys on the Right Track has closed but don't worry, we have a NEW club beginning at the end of March! See the flyer below for more information! Go to to register by March 21st! Spots are limited!!
6 days ago, Mrs. DeCamp- Director of Special Education
Running club flyer including registration information.
We had an amazing elementary PE night last night! Thank you for all the families that attended and our two amazing PE teachers, Mrs. Chaffee and Ms. Peer, for putting on such a fun and healthy event! Keep moving and playing! #GOPANTHERS!
6 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Two children sitting in the middle of a colorful parachute.
Gymnasuim full of people playing
Gymnasium full of children and families playing
Gymnasium full of children and families playing
PE Teacher with two children underneath a parachute
Campbell-Savona Central School District Announces Vacancy Effective: April 24, 2025 (or sooner if possible) Business Administrative Assistant This is an announcement that the district will be hiring a Business Administrative Assistant. This position reports to the Director of Management Services. The hourly rate for this position will be based on experience. This position is 7.5-hour workday and works twelve (12) months a year. Qualifications/job duties available upon request. The person selected for this position must be qualified to be hired according to Steuben County Civil Service rules and regulations. Candidates must also have completed the fingerprint process through the New York State Education Department. If you are interested in this position, please submit a letter of interest to: Kelly Costa, District Clerk Campbell-Savona Central School District 8455 County Route 125 Campbell, New York, 14821 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2025
7 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Job opportunity graphic
A shout out to Mr. Kaplan for being an amazing coach for Drone Soccer this year! Check out the link to a celebration slideshow for the team! #GOPANTHERS!
7 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Picture of Drone Soccer Coach holding two framed pictures of the team.
Our awesome elementary PE teachers are sponsoring a PE Night! Tomorrow, Wednesday March 5th, bring the family and come play some of the students' favorite games! Come dressed to play, and adults, we want you to play too! #GOPANTHERS!
8 days ago, CSCS Panthers
PE Night Flier
Let's celebrate our students who were accepted into the All-County 6th grade Chorus which they will be attending this weekend (7th and 8th) at Arkport CSD! These students are recommended for All-County based on their work in our chorus class.  #musicinourschoolsmonth #GOPANTHERS!
8 days ago, CSCS Panthers
Group of students posing for picture on a blue bench behind a panther mural
PTO Ice Skating for all CSCS students! March 8th from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Nasser Civic Center Ice Rink in Corning! #GOPANTHERS!
8 days ago, CSCS Panthers
PTO Ice Skating Flier
This coming week is National School Social Work recognition! We are so fortunate to have two of the most professional, kind, and caring social workers a school could be lucky enough to have! Karin Lewis and Shannon Hickey deserve our recognition and support as they give their all for our students, faculty, and staff every day! #schoolsocialworkweek #GOPANTHERS!
9 days ago, CSCS Panthers
SChool social worker flier with contact information
School social worker flier