Guidance Office
Contact Us:
Phone: 607-527-9800
Fax: 607-527-9861
Campbell Jr/Sr High School Guidance Staff
Matthew Holmes, 10-12 School Counselor
Lisa Madden, 7-9 School Counselor
Ronda Strawser, Home School Counselor
Caitlin Sutton, Guidance Secretary
Savona Elementary School Counselor
Alyssa Brown, Elementary School Counselor
New Students
Cycle of Days & Marking Periods
Honor Roll Requirements
Students achieving academic excellence each marking period will be recognized by being placed on the High Honor or Honor Roll.
A 94.00 or above average is required for the High Honor Roll.
An 88.00 to 93.99 average is required for the Honor Roll.
All grades are used in tabulating the student’s average. Students with any grades below a 70% are not eligible to be on the honor roll regardless of their overall average for the marking period. Students with incomplete grades are also not eligible unless their grades are complete by the end of the second week after the marking period ends. Students who maintain Honor Roll status for the first three marking periods will be invited to a scholastic achievement awards presentation.
Guidance Resources
What are the graduation requirements? What majors are available to my student? What courses are available? The course description book will answer all these questions and more!
Wondering how to start the college application process? Look here!
Don't know what school to attend? More tips here!
Don't get confused by the terminology. Help is a click away!
A good essay can make all the difference. Find some hot tips here!
Everyone is eligible for college funds. Look here for $$$$.

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